About John Bueche

John is a resident of Texas and has been in the healing arts for over 35 years.  John believes in giving people an opportunity to live without limits.  John has worked within his community and was a regular at a Spiritualist Church where he became proficient in hands on healing, but also discovered he could offer relief from a distance.  Many have experienced what may be considered miracles, but John would say, he illuminated within you the belief you are able to heal.

My Mission and Goals

My mission and goals are to reach as many people and loved ones, animals as well, to bring light and love back to thier lives.   When I can reach someone in need and hear of their relief it allows me to recharge.   It is my mission to heal and teach others how to heal themselves.   Working with Medical Mediumship to create a better life experience for as many as possible, makes every  day a good day.

Coming out of the entertainment field of marketing media, I will one day create a TV Show of Miracles in Action, where willing clients can share their experiences for others to know it’s possible to live life to the fullest again.

Each day I know there are infinite possibilities of Miracles and Healing.

Please join me in this mission.